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aco, health management company, Center for Medicaid and Medicare

About Us

Rediscover the Joy of Medicine

Alyt provides a full spectrum of services and resources to succeed in value based care and to more efficiently manage a practice. As a physician led and focused organization, we understand the vital role providers serve in determining the future of health care.

Our Purpose

The Power of Decades of Experience and Success

Alyt is a comprehensive physician practice platform that enables you to remain independent and still benefit from the resources of a dynamic population health management company and an MSO supported by Atrium Health.

The tools, talent, and technology provided by Alyt elevate the patient-provider relationship by transforming healthcare. Our tried-and-true, physician focused platform is made to cut costs where possible, produce better results, and enhance patient and provider wellbeing.

We enable independent health care providers to advance and succeed in value based care while providing a patient experience that is unmatched. Our strategic alliance with Atrium Health provides doctors with an innovative option that encourages clinical integration and independence. In order to help care teams and individuals, this forward-thinking alignment model includes physician led governance, best-in-class technology, support for payer contracting, revenue cycle management, and practice management solutions to put patient centered care at the forefront.

Alyt offers solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare provider leaders who want to position their practices for long-term success.

doctor learning, aco, health management company, Center for Medicaid and Medicare
healthcare workers reviewing a report, aco, health management company, Center for Medicaid and Medicare
quintuple aim, aco, health management company, Center for Medicaid and Medicare
Our Mission

Our Aim for Value-Based Care

Improve the experience of care

Health equity

Improve the health of populations

Reduce the per capita costs of healthcare

Provider wellness

Leadership Team

Don Calcagno, MBA

Advocate Health

David Cook, MD, FAAFP

Modern Primary Care Consultants

Mark Dunnagan

CHESS Health Solutions

Mark Lautzenheiser

CHESS Health Solutions

Yates Lennon, MD, MMM

CHESS Health Solutions

Megan Reyna, MSN, RN

Advocate Health

Ehab Sharawy, MD, FACOG

Modern Primary Care Consultants

Kris Shepard, JD, PhD

Advocate Health

Joshua Vire, MBA, MEd., SLP

CHESS Health Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Value based care is a healthcare delivery model that focuses on improving patient outcomes while reducing costs. Instead of the traditional fee-for-service model, where healthcare providers are paid based on the quantity of services they deliver, value based care seeks to reward healthcare providers for delivering high-quality care that leads to better patient outcomes.

The core principles of value based care include:

  • Emphasis on Patient Outcomes: Value based care prioritizes the health outcomes and overall well-being of patients. It aims to deliver the right care, at the right time, and in the most appropriate setting to improve patient health.
  • Quality Over Quantity: The focus shifts from the volume of services provided to the quality of care delivered. Healthcare providers are incentivized to deliver evidence-based and effective treatments that lead to better patient outcomes.
  • Payment Reform: In value based care, reimbursement models often link payment to the quality of care and patient outcomes. This can include pay-for-performance arrangements, bundled payments, shared savings, and other innovative payment models.
  • Coordination and Integration: Value based care promotes better coordination and integration of healthcare services across different providers and settings. It encourages collaboration among healthcare professionals to deliver seamless, continuous care to patients.
  • Population Health Management: Value based care also involves taking a proactive approach to managing the health of patient populations. Healthcare providers focus on preventive care and chronic disease management to keep patients healthier and reduce the need for expensive interventions.
  • Data and Technology Utilization: Value based care relies heavily on data and technology to measure and track patient outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about patient care.

The transition to value based care has gained momentum in recent years as healthcare systems seek to address rising healthcare costs, improve patient experiences, and enhance the overall quality of care. By aligning financial incentives with patient outcomes, value based care aims to create a more efficient and patient-centered healthcare system.

A Managed Service Organization (MSO) in healthcare is a type of business entity that provides comprehensive management and administrative support services to healthcare providers, such as hospitals, clinics, physician practices, or other healthcare facilities. The primary goal of an MSO is to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs for the healthcare providers it serves.

The services offered by a Managed Service Organization can vary depending on the specific needs of the healthcare provider, but they typically include a combination of the following:

  • Administrative Support: MSOs can handle various administrative tasks such as billing, coding, claims processing, appointment scheduling, and patient registration. They may also provide support for human resources, payroll, and compliance matters.
  • Technology and IT Support: MSOs may offer technology solutions and IT support, including electronic health record (EHR) systems, practice management software, and data security services.
  • Financial Management: MSOs can assist with financial management, budgeting, financial reporting, and revenue cycle management, helping healthcare providers optimize their financial performance.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Support: Healthcare is subject to numerous regulations and compliance requirements. MSOs can help healthcare providers stay up-to-date and in compliance with these regulations.
  • Contract Negotiation and Management: MSOs can help healthcare providers negotiate and manage contracts with insurance companies, vendors, and other entities.
  • Quality Improvement and Performance Management: MSOs may implement quality improvement programs to enhance patient care and outcomes while monitoring and analyzing performance metrics.
  • Credentialing and Provider Enrollment: MSOs can assist with credentialing healthcare providers with insurance networks and other healthcare organizations.

By outsourcing these administrative and operational functions to an MSO, healthcare providers can focus more on patient care and clinical activities. MSOs can provide economies of scale and expertise that individual healthcare organizations might not be able to achieve on their own.

It’s essential to note that the specific services and structures of MSOs may vary depending on local regulations and the needs of the healthcare organizations they serve. Additionally, the healthcare industry is constantly evolving, so the roles and responsibilities of MSOs may evolve over time as well.

Integrated healthcare, also known as integrated health care or integrated care, refers to the coordination and delivery of comprehensive healthcare services across multiple disciplines and settings to provide holistic and patient-centered care. The concept of integrated healthcare aims to overcome the fragmented nature of healthcare systems and improve the overall quality, efficiency, and outcomes of patient care.

Key features of integrated healthcare may include:

  • Collaboration among healthcare professionals: Integrated healthcare involves collaboration and communication among various healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, specialists, therapists, social workers, and other allied health professionals. This interdisciplinary approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of patients’ needs and a more cohesive treatment plan.
  • Coordinated care: Integrated healthcare ensures that patients receive a seamless and coordinated set of services across different healthcare providers and settings. This prevents duplication of tests or treatments and reduces the risk of conflicting advice.
  • Patient-centered approach: Integrated healthcare puts the patient at the center of the care process. It takes into account not only the physical health but also the mental, emotional, social, and environmental aspects of a patient’s well-being.
  • Focus on prevention and early intervention: Integrated healthcare often emphasizes preventive measures and early detection of health issues, which can lead to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs in the long term.
  • Use of health information technology: Integrated healthcare may rely on electronic health records and other health information technologies to facilitate communication and information exchange among healthcare providers, ensuring that all relevant parties have access to the patient’s medical history and treatment plans.
  • Community involvement: Integrated healthcare may involve engagement with community resources and support networks to enhance patient care and well-being.

Integrated healthcare models can take various forms, such as:

  • Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs): Groups of healthcare providers and facilities that work together to provide coordinated care to a defined patient population, with a focus on cost-effectiveness and quality improvement.
  • Medical Homes: Primary care practices that serve as a central hub for a patient’s healthcare needs, coordinating care across various specialists and services.
  • Collaborative Care Models: Integration of mental health services into primary care settings to address both physical and mental health needs.
  • Health Systems Integration: Large healthcare systems that incorporate a wide range of services, from primary care to specialized care, and aim to ensure smooth transitions between different levels of care.

The ultimate goal of integrated healthcare is to improve health outcomes, enhance patient satisfaction, and optimize resource utilization by creating a more efficient and patient-centric healthcare delivery system.

Health care value based revenue programs are initiatives designed to align financial incentives in the healthcare system with the delivery of high-quality and cost-effective care. Traditionally, the healthcare reimbursement system has been fee-for-service, where healthcare providers are paid based on the volume of services they deliver, regardless of the quality or outcome of those services. Value based revenue programs aim to shift this paradigm by tying reimbursement to the value of care provided.

Here are some key components and characteristics of health care value based revenue programs:

  • Quality Metrics: Providers are often evaluated based on specific quality measures and outcomes. These metrics may include patient satisfaction, clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and other indicators of high-quality care.
  • Cost Efficiency: Programs may encourage providers to deliver care in a more cost-effective manner. This could involve reducing unnecessary tests, avoiding hospital readmissions, and promoting preventive care to prevent costly complications.
  • Population Health Management: Value based programs often emphasize the management of the health of a defined population. Providers may be responsible for the health outcomes of their patient population, encouraging preventive measures and proactive management of chronic conditions.
  • Alternative Payment Models (APMs): Instead of traditional fee-for-service, value based revenue programs may involve alternative payment models. Examples include bundled payments (a fixed amount for an episode of care) and accountable care organizations (ACOs) where groups of providers are collectively responsible for the cost and quality of care for a defined population.
  • Shared Savings and Risk: In some value based models, providers may share in the cost savings they generate if they meet or exceed quality benchmarks. Conversely, they may also bear financial risk if the cost of care exceeds predefined targets.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Integration: Effective use of health information technology, including electronic health records, is often integral to the success of value based programs. These systems can facilitate data sharing, care coordination, and performance measurement.
  • Patient Engagement: Patient engagement is crucial in value based care. Programs may include initiatives to involve patients in their own care, promote adherence to treatment plans, and encourage healthy behaviors.
  • Continuous Improvement: Value based programs often involve continuous monitoring and improvement. Providers may receive feedback on their performance and be encouraged to implement changes that enhance both the quality and efficiency of care.

    The shift toward value based care is driven by the recognition that the traditional fee-for-service model does not always align with the goals of improving patient outcomes and controlling healthcare costs. Value based revenue programs aim to create a more sustainable and effective healthcare system by rewarding providers for delivering high-quality, cost-effective care.

Value based care and fee-for-service are two different approaches to healthcare delivery and payment. Let’s explore their differences:

Fee-for-Service (FFS):

Fee-for-service is a traditional payment model where healthcare providers are reimbursed based on the volume of services they deliver. Each service or procedure is assigned a specific fee, and the provider is paid for each service rendered, regardless of the outcome or the patient’s health improvement.

In the fee-for-service model, the more services a provider delivers, the more they get paid, which can sometimes lead to overutilization of services. This can potentially drive up healthcare costs and may not always prioritize patient outcomes.

Value-based Care:

Value based care is a payment and healthcare delivery model that focuses on improving patient outcomes and the overall value of care delivered. It aims to reward healthcare providers for achieving better health outcomes for their patients, rather than just paying for individual services provided.

In value based care, providers may be rewarded for meeting certain quality metrics, improving patient satisfaction, reducing hospital readmissions, and effectively managing chronic conditions. The goal is to incentivize and encourage the delivery of high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective care.

Value based care often involves alternative payment models, such as bundled payments, pay-for-performance, and shared savings arrangements, where providers may share in the savings achieved by delivering more effective care.

Main Differences:

  • Payment Approach: In fee-for-service, providers are paid for each service rendered, regardless of the outcome, while in value based care, providers are incentivized to achieve better patient outcomes and are paid based on performance and results.
  • Focus on Outcomes: Value based care prioritizes patient outcomes, quality of care, and patient satisfaction, aiming to improve overall health and wellness. Fee-for-service focuses more on the quantity of services provided, potentially leading to a higher volume of services being delivered.
  • Cost Control: Value based care models aim to control healthcare costs by encouraging efficient and effective care delivery. Fee-for-service models may contribute to rising healthcare costs due to the lack of cost controls inherent in paying for individual services.
  • Care Coordination: Value based care often emphasizes care coordination and patient engagement to ensure that patients receive appropriate and timely care. Fee-for-service may not always prioritize care coordination, potentially leading to fragmented care.
  • Risk Sharing: In value based care, providers often share some level of financial risk with payers (e.g., insurance companies) based on the achieved outcomes. In fee-for-service, the risk is mainly on the payer, who covers the cost of each service delivered.

It’s worth noting that many healthcare systems are transitioning from the traditional fee-for-service model to value based care, as value based care has the potential to improve patient outcomes, enhance cost-efficiency, and promote a more patient-centered approach to healthcare. However, the transition can be complex, and different organizations may adopt various value based care models depending on their specific needs and capabilities.

Patient experience refers to the overall perception and satisfaction that a patient has with their healthcare encounter or journey within a healthcare system. It encompasses all aspects of a patient’s interactions with healthcare providers, facilities, and services, from the moment they seek care to the completion of their treatment and beyond.

The concept of patient experience extends beyond just the clinical care provided and includes factors such as:

  • Communication: The effectiveness of communication between healthcare providers and patients, including clear explanations of medical conditions, treatment options, and care plans.
  • Empathy and Respect: The extent to which healthcare providers show understanding, compassion, and respect for the patient’s feelings, preferences, and values.
  • Waiting Times: The amount of time a patient spends waiting for appointments, test results, or other healthcare services.
  • Physical Comfort: The level of comfort and convenience experienced by the patient during their stay or treatment.
  • Care Coordination: The seamless coordination of care among different healthcare providers and departments, ensuring that all aspects of the patient’s treatment align and work together effectively.
  • Access to Information: The availability of accurate and accessible health-related information to the patient, enabling them to make informed decisions about their care.
  • Involvement in Decision Making: The extent to which patients are actively involved in decisions about their treatment and care.
  • Follow-up and Aftercare: The support and attention provided to patients after their treatment or hospital stay, to ensure a smooth recovery and ongoing support for managing their health.

Improving patient experience is crucial because it not only contributes to patient satisfaction but also plays a significant role in patient engagement, treatment adherence, and health outcomes. Positive patient experiences lead to better trust in healthcare providers, increased patient loyalty, and higher patient retention rates.

Healthcare organizations often collect feedback from patients through surveys and feedback forms to assess and improve patient experience. This feedback can be used to identify areas of improvement, address any issues or concerns, and enhance the overall quality of care provided to patients.

Quality gaps in healthcare refer to the discrepancies between the care patients should receive based on current medical knowledge and best practices and the care they actually receive. These gaps can occur at various levels, including individual patient care, healthcare facility performance, regional disparities, and systemic issues within the healthcare system.

To close quality gaps effectively, healthcare systems must focus on continuous quality improvement, evidence-based practice, healthcare provider education and training, and implementing health information technology to support evidence-based decision-making. Collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients, policymakers, and other stakeholders is essential in identifying and addressing these gaps to ultimately improve the overall health and well-being of the population.

Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that can influence their health and well-being. These determinants are often shaped by social, economic, political, and environmental factors. They play a significant role in determining health outcomes and can create health disparities between different population groups. Addressing social determinants of health is essential for achieving health equity and improving overall population health. Public health policies and interventions aimed at addressing these factors can help reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes for everyone.

Specialty care plays a critical role in value based care by providing specialized expertise and services to address complex medical conditions and improve patient outcomes. Specialty care in value based care is characterized by its patient-centric approach, evidence-based practices, collaborative care management, and a focus on improving patient outcomes while optimizing healthcare resources. By integrating specialty care effectively, value based care models can deliver higher quality care and better health outcomes for patients.

Accurate Representation of Patient’s Health Status: In value based care, reimbursement and financial incentives are tied to the quality of care provided and patient outcomes. To ensure fair and accurate payment, clinical documentation must accurately represent the patient’s health status, severity of illness, and the care provided. Complete and precise documentation helps to capture the true complexity of the patient’s condition, leading to more appropriate risk adjustment and reimbursement.

Clinical documentation integrity plays a pivotal role in value based care by accurately reflecting the patient’s health status, supporting care coordination, providing evidence of quality care, optimizing risk adjustment, enabling data analytics, ensuring compliance, and facilitating efficient reimbursement processes. It enhances the overall effectiveness and success of value based care initiatives, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

Data plays a crucial role in Value-Based Care (VBC) and is the foundation upon which this healthcare model operates. Value based Care is a healthcare delivery approach that focuses on achieving the best possible health outcomes for patients while controlling costs. The emphasis is shifted from the traditional fee-for-service model, where providers are reimbursed based on the number of services they deliver, to a model where payment is tied to the quality and effectiveness of care provided.

Overall, data is the backbone of Value based Care, as it allows healthcare organizations to move from a reactive, volume-driven approach to a proactive, outcomes-based approach. With the right data and analytical tools, healthcare providers can deliver more personalized, efficient, and effective care to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

An all-payer agreement model, also known as an all-payer system or all-payer rate setting, is a healthcare payment system used in some countries or states to regulate healthcare costs and reimbursements. In this model, all healthcare payers, including private insurers, government programs (such as Medicare and Medicaid), and other third-party payers, agree to pay the same standardized rates for specific medical services provided by healthcare providers.

The primary goal of an all-payer agreement model is to achieve cost control and payment uniformity across different payers. By setting standardized payment rates for services, healthcare providers can avoid the complexity of negotiating with multiple payers, which may result in administrative burdens and variations in reimbursement rates.

It’s essential to note that implementing an all-payer agreement model requires cooperation and agreement among all major payers, including government entities and private insurance companies. Additionally, the success of such a system depends on its design, implementation, and ongoing monitoring to ensure it achieves its intended goals effectively.